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Vitalograph Lung Monitor (USB)

SKU: 40700
The Vitalograph USB Lung Monitor is shown on, with a reading of 96% shown on the screen. It is a black and white handheld device, and is shown with t h e USB cable plugged in.
Text at the top reads: SpirOTutor, by Vitalograph. Below an beside the text, interfaces for online training are shown on both phone and computer.

This easy to use, precise USB Lung Monitor is designed to record key lung function parameters for those with chronic respiratory conditions. This device helps a multitude of patients including those with cystic fibrosis and transplant patients. This monitor can be used as a home monitor due to its simple use setup and large, easy to read display. The Lung Monitor Measures FEV1, FEV6 and the ratio and Displays % of Personal Best FEV1. Color zones are then set to the personal best FEV1. The USB version ads the capability of computerized printed and exportable trend reports using Vitalograph Reports. These can also be downloaded to Spirotrac V software. This version also adds the FEF25-75% measurement to reports and downloaded data. This is an excellent product for post-transplant home recovery patients.

Be sure to Register here for your 1yr manufacturer device Warranty to access your online training seat through SpiroTutor™by Vitalograph   

Manufactured by: Vitalograph
